When WhatsApp notifications become too distracting, muting conversations can help you concentrate. We’ll look at how to mute WhatsApp alerts, what happens when you mute someone on WhatsApp, and other relevant topics in this article.

What Does WhatsApp Mute Mean?

WhatsApp has two different types of functionalities: Individual or group chat notifications can be muted, as well as status notifications. We’ll go over the similarities and differences between the two.

What Happens When You Mute WhatsApp Chat Notifications?

When you receive a text from an individual or a group chat, WhatsApp sends you a push notification with sound alerts by default. When you mute someone, WhatsApp, on the other hand, turns off notifications for any further texts in the chat. Let’s say you mute your cousin Simon, who sends you obscene texts and memes on WhatsApp on a regular basis. Simon will still be able to send you messages, call you on the phone, and check on your status updates. The only difference is that WhatsApp will no longer notify you in real time; instead, you will only see Simon’s messages when you open the app. During the mute period, a crossed-out speaker symbol appears next to the contact or group’s name.

What Happens When You Mute Your WhatsApp Status

When you hit the mute button on a status update, WhatsApp will not send any more updates from that contact to the Recent Updates queue. You can still see a muted status on the status page, but you’ll have to scroll all the way down to the Muted Updates area.

Muted Conversations Aren’t Always Effective

Only messages, not calls, will be silenced while a personal conversation is muted. Your phone will ring and you will receive a notification if a muted contact calls you on WhatsApp. When a member mentions you or replies to your message in a muted group chat, you’ll get a notification (s).

Chat muting vs. Status muting

“Mute for status updates” and “Mute for chat notifications” are two completely separate functionalities that should not be confused. It’s also worth noting that they’re mutually exclusive; muting a contact’s conversation won’t stop them from updating their status. Muting a contact’s status update won’t stop texts from arriving in your inbox. Don’t want a contact to send you both text and status notifications? You’ll have to mute your conversation with them in the Chats section and their status updates in the Status page on an individual basis.

Muting Is a Discreet Option

It’s your secret to keep when you silence a contact’s conversation or status post. The other party will not be notified that you have muted them on WhatsApp. You can’t detect if someone has muted you, either. The same holds true for group chats. No one in the group, not even the admin, will be aware that the group has been muted.

What is the difference between WhatsApp Mute and WhatsApp Block?

Muting someone on WhatsApp is similar to turning off the TV’s volume. Except for the speakers, all of the TV’s components will continue to work. You can still view material, change channels, and do other things, but the noise will not distract you. Blocking a WhatsApp contact, on the other hand, is the equivalent of turning the television off. This turns off all of the television’s components.

For Personal or Individual Chats, Mute vs. Block

When you block a contact (or an unknown number) on WhatsApp, you won’t receive their texts or voice messages. They are also unable to contact you via phone or video calls. That’s because, just like when you turn off the TV, you’ve turned off all direct lines of connection with the person. They also have no access to your status updates, profile picture, or online information (online status and last seen). If you block someone on WhatsApp, you won’t be able to contact them via text or phone calls, and you won’t be able to see their status updates till you unblock them. Muting someone on WhatsApp is a matter of personal taste. The tool does nothing more than turn off your device’s messaging notifications. Unless they’ve also muted you, WhatsApp will alert a muted contact about your messages.

For Group Chats, Mute vs. Block

You can mute and block both personal and group chats on WhatsApp, however you can only silence personal talks. Exiting a group is the next best thing to blocking it.

Distractions should be turned off

To summaries, muting a WhatsApp discussion solely affects the delivery of text alerts. You can think of it as a WhatsApp version of Do Not Disturb. It disables all notifications for personal or group chats for a set amount of time. That’s all there is to it. On WhatsApp, there’s no limit on how many chats or groups you can silence. Disabling WhatsApp notifications in your device settings is a better option if you need to silence several conversations or everyone on your chat list (which is a lot more unpleasant). If you don’t want to block someone on WhatsApp, the next best option is to mute them. It’s worth noting that you can only mute or block someone on WhatsApp. Contacts who have been muted or blocked can still contact you via phone calls, SMS, or other messaging systems.